Fuelling the future: motive power and connectivity
This is a House of Commons Committee report, with recommendations to government. The Government has two months to respond.
Author: Transport Committee
Related inquiry: Fuelling the future: motive power and connectivity
Released on the 2nd March 2023, this Transport Committee Report of Session makes significant recommendations about the role of sustainable liquid fuels for the future.
From the summary:
"We also heard from Guy Lachlan, Director at the Historic and Classic Vehicles Alliance, who made a similar case for allowing drivers of classic or historic cars to continue to use petrol, as converting the vehicles to battery electric could “[waste] more emissions in that process of conversion than we are ever going to save through their continued very limited use.” He also stated that he believed leaving the vehicles in their current state and not converting them is a way of “preserving our heritage.”
In response to the evidence from Mr Lachlan, the then Minister said:
"Combustion engines in classic cars and cherished motors will continue. We are committed to ensuring that the E5 petrol is available for those vehicles. [ … ] Ensuring that people can continue to drive those cherished vehicles, in particular, is very important."
This is a very positive report and we at the HCVA are delighted by the findings. We very much hope that Government policy will now follow these recommendations.
"We are very happy with the report which emphasises the need to keep cherished historic vehicles on the road, and to continue to use the existing fleet for as long as possible. We hope the government adopts the recommendations and looks forward to more specific actions to support the development and adoption of sustainable liquid fuels in the same way they are funding the development of battery and hydrogen technologies."
The historic & classic vehicles alliance