Radically Altered Vehicles

Vehicles that have been radically altered or substantially changed from their original specification but have not used any type of kit in the alteration. Substantial changes have been made to the vehicle in the last 30 years, for example replacing the chassis, body, axles or engine to change the way the vehicle works.

V55/5 Simple GuideSubstantial Change Guidance

Dependent one the level of alteration, the vehicle may qualify for either an age-related VIN and VRN or be subject to the DVLA ‘points’ system to define the type of VIN and registration that will apply.

Get a vehicle registration number

DVLA uses a points system to decide what registration number to give a radically altered vehicle.

Keep the original registration number

Your vehicle must have 8 or more points from the table below if you want to keep the original registration number. 5 of these points must come from having the original or new and unmodified chassis, monocoque bodyshell or frame.

  • Major Component

  • Points

  • Chassis, monocoque bodyshell (body and chassis as one unit) or frame - original or new and unmodified (direct from manufacturer)

  • 5

  • Suspension (front and back) - original

  • 2

  • Axles (both) - original

  • 2

  • Transmission - original

  • 2

  • Steering assembly - original

  • 2

  • Engine - original

  • 1

Get a ‘Q’ registration number

You will not be able to keep your vehicle’s original registration number if one of the following applies:

it has fewer than 8 points

it has a second-hand or altered chassis, monocoque bodyshell or frame

there’s evidence that 2 vehicles have been welded together to form one (ie ‘cut and shut’)

To register for this category:

You must follow all the instructions for registering a new vehicle. You’ll need to include the following with your application:

Fill in form V627/1 – ‘Built up vehicle inspection report’

The vehicle registration certificate (V5C) or follow the process of registering a new vehicle using a V55/5

Official receipts for any parts used

Photographs of the vehicle

Forms should then be sent to:

K and R
SA99 1ZZ